Legal Matters: from Drinks in Oklahoma to Colt 1911 in California and More

Tinted License Plate Covers in Nevadaare tinted license plate covers legal in nevada
Partnership Agreementsnotarized partnership agreement
Colt 1911 in Californiais colt 1911 legal in california
Street Legal Productsstreet legal products
Tax Law Specialist Jobtax law specialist job description
Code in Lawcode meaning in law
Legal Drinking Age in Oklahomalegal age to drink in oklahoma
UK Employment Lawemployment law uk 2023
Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1956gentlemen`s agreement of 1956
Anti-Conversion Law in Indiaanti-conversion law in india

Legal matters, legal matters, gotta keep them straight
From drinks in Oklahoma to the legal age to drink
But let’s not forget about street legal products, they gotta be on fleek
Can’t be breaking the rules of the road or else you’ll be up the creek

Partnership agreements, notarized and all
Gotta make sure they stand tall
Legal requirements and process, gotta get it done right
Or else you’ll be in for a fight

Colt 1911 in California, a gun with a history
Is it legal or not? Gotta keep your eyes on the victory

Tax law specialist, a job with a demand
Gotta have the skills to take a stand
Duties, skills, requirements, gotta know it all
Or else you’ll take a fall

Legal Matters: It Ain’t No Joke